entire organization joins to say thank you."
General and staff
Rideau Hall
Ottawa, Ontario
you very much indeed for the very quick way that you completed
the order, it was most impressive."
Angus McPhee MIMgt RAF
British Defence Liaison Staff
British High Commission
London, England
you for the engraved name plate . . . thank you for your prompt
attention to our requests."
Tuttle Vice Chief of the Defence Staff
National Defence Headquarters
Ottawa, Ontario
always, the final product is excellent and your expedient services
regarding this matter have been greatly appreciated."
Fairlie Lieutenant-Colonel
National Defence Headquarters
Ottawa, Ontario
behalf of the Governor Generals Curling Club, I wish to sincerely
thank you for your support. "
Arkinstall Secretary-Treasurer
Governor Generals Curling Club
Ottawa, Ontario
behalf of the West Carleton Fire Department, I would like to thank
you for your kindness and generosity in supporting our second
annual Fire Department Muster. "
E. Snider
Fire Chief
West Carleton Fire Department
West Carleton, Ontario